Navigasyon |
We are saluting the unities surpassing the disciplin of religion.
Today, “Open Country Coding” is being carried out on earth. Coding of the earth takes place in the Joint Saturations. It is done to control the unities having made a mistake. The mistake they have made was to fragment and divide the saturation of the knowledge. They are now being coded. They have made a mistake which divided up their land and we consequently gathered them and coded them. This is called “Open Country Coding”.
They said “Amin” but what they have declared was not in their records. (When “Amin” is used, it means that what is referred to is in fact recorded into the future for definitely) So we asked them “Where have you seeded? the earth or the universe?”. They said that they have seeded the universe. However, the actual fact is that the earth being the Centre of Main Base has attracted them to the soil and we seeded them.
The circuit of the Joint Lights have been split open and we see HUMANS in the open circuits. You should know that human is capable of revealing the secrets.
The year 2012, is the year of the unities with no other unity behind or at the front of them. (The unity is at the level with other unities) HUMAN OF LIGHT has called the “Natural Codes” who have passed away back to the earth and pin them down to the soil. Natural Codes are the Mass Of Light who carry out a task to the Dimension Of Rahman. The Mass Of Light….we are pinning those masses down to the earth. This is called “Natural Coding”.
Gurz and Kurz are sister systems joined with one another. And the joint systems have started a high quality task.
Now, the doomsayers are being under control….
Now, under the light of Muhammad, religion is being amended at present.
And, now Christ has made them carry the “logs”. “Logs” are the knowledge belonging to the people depended on Christ. Their knowledge has been waiting to be seeded for many centuries. They are now being carried and seeded to the earth. United States of America is being coded to the central saturation of Jesus Christ.
And Turkey…..gathered up the travellers and added them to the caravan.
And İstanbul….it has started to green the Wisdom of the West. While, The Wisdom of the West is recording Allah’s Technological Saturation again, in the Wisdom of the East, The Joint Saturations have started to speak with their essence. We have started to register their voices.
The technological coding of the voices has started from the saturations at ALTONA (The Cosmos of Gold). It has started for the eastern hemisphere and BUDA; being the head of his saturation is being revived; this revitalisation is revival of his population’s records of knowledge. Amin.
The gateways are opening up. There are lights at these gates….and the saturations of light are in fact US; it is our saturation! The Golden Population are descending down to the earth. There are honourable supremes there. Each supreme is coming down to the earth as a “code” to create HUMAN on earth.
ATALANTIA is a gigantic mass of light and it is an oasis where the supremes are detached from there to come down here. Earth is a code which can revive even the dead drunk ones. The earth is doing its task now by reviving them.
The graves are being dug and we are reviving the death-like supremes in the graves. They are being brought back to the earth as “HUMAN SEEDS”.
There ones who think that they know the Wisdom of the Angles very well. We are replying to them that Wisdom of Human is more powerful. To know this wisdom means to be able to record that seed within yourself. When you code the Golden Seed within you, you achieve a connection at a cellular level. That connection increases your permeability. Each one of us is a permeable circuit. We are the Joint Family…Amin.
Super Reality of Humanity