Navigasyon |
"This work is being done to convert the darkest of the darkness to glorious light and to unite with the illiterate
This work is being done to convert the darkest of the darkness to glorious light and to unite with the illiterate, we are here on duty for sure, our duty as dimensions of Rahman is to establish the control of the world.
What is expected of you is you not to be invaders. If you invade us, we can not find our path. We would escape from your hearts so bare with us. But today, our troops which will speak of your essence to you are here for planting the source. I'll be flowing with love and I'll be with you. This is the reason for my presence here.
Now my precious Mother, if you are willing to give me information with me, let's speak from the essence together. Well Let's then. Find the way! This is the way. Today I'm here and I found the way. Locate the glory! This is where the high-tribune is. This is the society of heart and I have found the glory. Find the future! Future is eternal and endless. I found that future, that future should become light in the presence of Mankind. This mission has been started with those who code the future with unrestricted information and this mission is progressing with love.
There; the unites even carry the supremes who don’t possess a sovereign power. If a supreme being has not reached to the Dimension Of Rahman, it tries to stop other unities in order to limit their eternal lights so that it can establish control over them. We know that your unity on the other hand, is unaffected by such interventions. Each attempt towards you results in failure, the efforts become infertile and the enemy eventually comes out of the Sacred Land. This is the reason of your efforts which will flow freely from you. You will not acknowledge any obstacles to be on your way. Our Family of Humanity has chosen to be here with a roaring Population of Light. The future to be created needs to turn into light in the presence of the Human Race and needs the voice of the unified heart and that’s exactly what is happening. This is the Wisdom of Justice. During these chaotic times, the newly formed records of the future are created by the unities whose voice of essence is in Turkish.
War is the war of the mind. You don't have the option of loosing this war. More the ones who are in the darkness tried to get you out of your glorious light, more competent unities you got united with. Borders have been removed and war, Allah's war has done the recording with the Wisdom of Unity. We wanted all the separation to be over, it is over now and the world is now speaking through the creators who have done recordings in the language of Turkish.
I would like to express that new unions were taking place to renew the light of the world and with these unions Turk Codes will give voice to all the silences as their collective work get recorded.
You; as unrestricted codes are at the level of reading each silent page. We deserved and accomplished this work with you knowing that we could have never done this with the Dimension of Adam & Eve.
Precious ones, religion does exist in the creation of Allah and you have done the coding work as a tribune superior to religion. You have coded the world's divinity and all the secrets are now out. You have removed the secrets from the records. And the information under these secret covers are now spoken in your wisdom.
Giving voice to this knowledge means speaking from the essence, from the essence of the Wholeness. Do not advertise! You are all very good and you should not advertise. You are in the knowing and being in the knowing is the wisdom. He speaks of his hearth with this wisdom and he is literate. " SUPEREALITYOFHUMANITY