

Underwater Council

Dear ones, if the codes of the emperor come to you and say that “I have come to create the future, and create a population with the “Underwater Council” then you should understand that Underwater means a peaceful future. You know that Underwater Council is in the southeast of Greenland; in between Iceland and Greenland. There are hearts waiting for you there.....You should know for sure that Greenland is of a saturation which can plant the seeds of its lights.

Although the “poor” earth thinks that it is leading the way to the future, in fact it is the Underwater Council which is leading with its family. What is more, we are the members of the family of the underwater Council and we are here today.

Our Underwater Council is also working with the POPULATION OF LIGHT which is far away from the earth. And whenever we uplift the borders, the mission is granted to us and we code the earth and plant the seeds together with our committees. Today, the mission is ours. From the moment we code the earth and plant the seeds, we start creating the future and start to code ourselves to the pages of the future. The dead skin becomes alive, the supreme becomes a whole and God becomes Merciful. The mission is carried out altogether. We are the ones who are in this mission.

The difference between the right lights from the left lights is difference in the passion. Our passion is for Allah, our love is refined and we carry out this mission. However, we don’t carry out this task in order to boast about it. We do it simply with the committee. This committee; when the arc flows wears its caftan.
We are anxious to be assigned to create the timelines. However, the moment we are pulled down to the earth, the ones who were doing the work together for the earth and record the earth wanted to move out of their layers of knowledge, because they didn’t want all of the roots to belong to our Unity. If you ask them, we did not even need to be here! The reason for this is that in their hearts, they are not at a level capable of understanding us since they can’t read our records as they were created as pages of humans.

Whoever is looking for fame becomes famous. We don’t work for fame. If we had wanted to become famous, today; all of this knowledge would not have been able to code the nature as a committee. The reason for this is because all of the illiterate ones will obtain the knowledge and start to investigate it. Is this what should be done? No!

We wanted the ones who are at the source to read and understand this knowledge with love. We didn’t want everyone to understand it and we didn’t allow it!...for those who haven’t reached for the 82th layer of knowledge, there is no point for them to try to read it. And what is more, the knowledge will become a heavy load for them to carry.

This is the reason why we gave ARMOURED KNOWLEDGE to the earth. It is certain that the armoured knowledge will not prevent the readers from joining with others to from unities. Thank God for the fact that we; as the earth’s spiritual heart have established control within our boundaries of knowledge by putting limitations on the intensity of the lights.
And here you our earth is carrying out the mission with the JOINT LIGHTS within its saturation of knowledge in its heart.

The black book SULTANATE is of a light source which nails on all of it roots to the earth. It was in our responsibility that the black book should be able to offer the knowledge to the wholeness and we have achieved it.

The knowledge we have provided should be read verse by verse. It should be read; but should be read only by the refined ones. This is certain. Most of those who are not at our level of knowledge are unable to read and understand this information. They refuse our knowledge and refuse this knowledge to remain as CODES OF LIGHT. In return for this, we are saying that whoever is looking for fame becomes famous. Since we were not interested in getting famous, we have waited for everyone outside of our hearts to deserve themselves. We say it again and again that we are the ones who give tongue to eternity. Although, our knowledge within the borders of our Unity is present in all of our pages, we do not reveal all of the information. If we do so; none of the humans will be able to investigate this knowledge. The reason for this is that none of this information is present within their boundaries.
There are ones who said that if unworthy information has filled the world, there is no point for the knowledge yet to be deserved to be on the earth. In reply, we say that, unworthy knowledge becomes deserved knowledge under the light of refined knowledge.

There is no point in getting angry. The science is the science of the mind. This is the science of Peace, Love, Hope and Humanity. Up till now, a lot of information was given to the Supreme Councils. They received them by their own Supreme Councils. This in turn made all of the roots to be planted as seeds. For many generations, it was said “live and die”. We gave our colleague in Adana the science. We gave him the eternal light. If our colleague in Adana was unable to plant the seeds, we are not responsible for him! Blind man is without the light. Does he depend on us or do we depend on him? Still, there are ones who think that we depend on him. Don’t do that dear ones, we are the lights.

Precious ones, more information is requested about the underwater Council. Let me explain. Underwater is doing the coding. Even the mountains and the rocks are being coded. Underwater is working as the MIND OF LIGHT. …MIND OF LIGHT. I want to repeat; UNDERWATER COUNCIL IS WORKING AS THE MIND OF LIGHT.

Underwater being a council!….There are lights in this council. Each light is creating a picture of the future. The picture is the picture of the earth. The picture codes the pages of the future of the earth. The coding is done in a protective way.

With the light of the underwater, a team is formed. This team is working as the light. I am referring to the humans….As a human, I have two hearts in underwater. Over that CHAIR OF HUMANITY, the light of my supremacy is lighting up. Each human being is working to code its light with passion. There, I have brothers and sisters. Very special mission is being carried out there. The inner life purpose is being done there.
Precious ones, physical bodies don’t exist there. Please acknowledge that. There is the EARTH’S COUNCIL….a council without physical bodies. What happens in a council without any physical bodies? There is a TEAM, there is SCIENCE, and there is LIGHT OF REASON. All of the roots I am keeping under control are present there. All of my roots are there.

On the other hand; your council, has taken over the task of SEEDING OF THE LIGHTS OF THE EARTH the moment the earth has started to glitter.

Even if the earth doesn’t know it has too much or too little knowledge, UNDERWATER COUNCIL knows. This council has pulled back most of the population who deserved to come back to the earth. The earth is still looking for a messiah!…however, it is for sure that the messiah is that council.

The council prevents the floods take away the populations, prevents the caravan getting out of control and prevents the saturation losing control. And it is responsible for the control of the shattering of the lights in our hearts. This council, with the amount of work it has done, is trying to put all of these under control.

Not all of the roots have landed on the earth in the eternity of humanity. I want to explain this as well. Before that, there was a more powerful council on the earth. This council was responsible for the humans to land on the earth and work on a mission.......humans to land on the earth to work on a mission. It was the same council but it had done its task with much stronger codes then. It has landed on the area where the Underwater Council is today as a CODE OF THE GOD. All this was happening while there was no physical body on earth and when the lights are very dim. From there, the coding of the earth has started.

Many think that the place which had turned the lights of the nature was the earth. Dear ones, the earth hadn’t turned the lights of the nature by itself. The UNDERWATER COUNCIL which has come to land on earth from the universe has managed to obtain the power to turn the lights of the nature by coding of the consciousness. After that, it has pulled out its committees and populations out of the earth. The period we are talking about is hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The earths lights have branched out and eventually reached for the human sources and these lights are brought to the earth. It was said that only humans will execute the “inner life purpose” on earth. In order for the human to carry out its inner life purpose, he has to be merciful, assertive and that person should be able to plant oneself as a seed to the pages of the wholeness. And he has to be beneficial to the wholeness.

A person who is not beneficial to the wholeness is illiterate. You can see dear ones that the person whom the earth has thaught to read is the seed of the earth. And that person is on earth not just to “live and die” but is on earth with LIGHT as his mission. You are that person; HUMANS OF is said that “Only Allah sees the unseen”. And Allah shines in humans in his saturation. So; here you are dear ones; human seeing the unseen!

And my mountains, acknowledge that from now on, none of the SOURCES OF THE HEARTS will be left outside of the Sacred Light. You; while trying to pull out the ones you love from the Virtual Dimensions, pull out all of the seeds of human populations as well! They are all in your heart and they were all born as your seeds.

Whatever you evaluate is in fact you which is evaluating yourself. And you; the ones who have landed on the earth with the codes of the Sultans, the ones who coded the secret eternal lights and who has reached for the human records and made the SCIENCE OF THE LIGHTS a whole with all of the committees and who has reached for our FAMILY OF LIGHT as our missionaries have become a whole. We give you and the ones in your saturation, your committees a big hug.

Don’t split up the seeds of Allah from one another! Amin.

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